Assessment of the quality of life indicators in patients with urate nephrolithiasis comorbid with metabolic syndrome




urate nephrolithiasis, metabolic syndrome, quality of life


Kidney stone disease (KSD) is one of the most common urological diseases; however, until recently, there was no specific tools for the study of the influence of urate nephrolithiasis (UN) on the patients’ quality of life. The use of WISQOL quality of life questionnaire enabled quantitative evaluation of the subjective notion and enhanced the insight on the condition of a patient with UN in general, for measuring the broad scope of functions of health perception.

The aim of the research is to study quality of life indicators in patients with UN comorbid with metabolic syndrome.

Materials and methods. The study included 65 patients with UN and UN comorbid with MS. In the control group, there were 21 patients with UN who received traditional therapy. The comparison group comprised 21 patients with UN comorbid with MS, who received both traditional therapy and drugs that correct metabolic disorders. The main group consisted of 23 patients with UN comorbid with MS, who took quertin against the background of the traditional therapy and drugs that correct metabolic disorders. To assess the quality of life, the WISQOL questionnaire was used, which included 4 domains: social impact (SI), emotional impact (EI), health impact (HI) and impact on life activity (ILA). The patients’ condition was assessed before treatment and after 1.5–6.0 months.

Results. After the treatment, main group patients demonstrated an increase of EI indicator; comparison group patients demonstrated an increase in EI, ILA, and HI indicators. The efficacy of quertin was confirmed by an increase in ILA, SI, and HI indicators.

Conclusions. The levels of SI and HI were decreasing before treatment in patients with UN comorbid with MS from the comparison and the main groups. The use of quertin against the background of the traditional therapy and drugs that correct metabolic processes, significantly increased EI and ILA levels.

Author Biography

S. I. Bilai, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

PhD student of the Department of Urology


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How to Cite

Bilai SI. Assessment of the quality of life indicators in patients with urate nephrolithiasis comorbid with metabolic syndrome. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2022Feb.15 [cited 2024Oct.24];15(1):67-71. Available from:



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