The experience, results, and possible perspectives of organizing the optimally accessible primary medical care for the rural population of Zaporizhzhia region




health protection, reform, primary healthcare, rural population, availability of health services


Nowadays, the assessment of the activity of the domestic healthcare system is an important and actual issue, especially against the background the active reformation of this industry. One of the important elements of the assessment is studying the availability of primary healthcare to the rural population.

The aim of this work is to study the territorial accessibility of primary healthcare, the adequacy and effectiveness of the principles of forming a network of primary care facilities in the rural areas of Zaporizhzhia region that enables to address issues and optimize the location of primary care facilities in the rural areas.

Materials and methods. The materials of the research were the data of the official statistical reports for the past 20 years, which characterize the state of health and the degree of medical care accessibility to the rural population. During the research, the technique of complex social and hygienic research was applied, with the use of historical, sociological, sanitary and statistical methods, organizational experiment and others.

Results. The article presents the main results of studying the current state of primary healthcare organization for the rural population of Zaporіzhzhia region against the background of active reforming processes. According to the research results, the main elements forming the system of accessibility are territorial, medical, social and economic. The main factors of impact on territorial accessibility are identified. These are: the nature of the settlement of rural residents (density, compactness, service-area radius, the proportion of the rural population, the distance between villages, the distance from a household to a healthcare facility); quality of roads; transport connections between settlements and healthcare facilities; availability of communication means.

Conclusions. As a result of the research, the following conclusions were drawn. Such factors as population density, compactness of its location, service-area radius, distance between villages, distance from a household to a healthcare facility, condition and quality of roads, transport connections between settlements and healthcare facilities are important during forming or improving the network of healthcare facilities in rural areas. These factors must be considered for the rational placement of primary care facilities in rural areas.


Author Biographies

O. H. Aleksieiev, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social Medicine, Public Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Law

V. V. Taranov, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Medicine, Public Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Law

V. P. Petrykhin, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Medicine, Public Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Law


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How to Cite

Aleksieiev OH, Taranov VV, Petrykhin VP. The experience, results, and possible perspectives of organizing the optimally accessible primary medical care for the rural population of Zaporizhzhia region. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2021Oct.25 [cited 2025Mar.9];14(3):369-73. Available from:



Original research