Influence of Pancreo-Plant on the histological parameters of the liver in conditions of acute toxic hepatitis




liver disease, hepatitis, medicinal plant materials, modeling, animal studies


Toxic liver damage is the most problematic for pharmacotherapy and, accordingly, the normalization of the patient’s condition. Most often, hepatotoxins include alcohol, drugs, household and industrial toxins, the effect of which on the liver leads to the development of hepatocyte necrosis. The peculiarity of drug toxic hepatitis is a wide range of clinical manifestations, the absence of unambiguous diagnostic methods, frequent poor prognosis, which makes toxic hepatitis one of the most difficult problems in clinical practice. A promising drug for the treatment of toxic liver damage is a multicomponent herbal remedy, which is currently produced by a domestic manufacturer in the form of a dietary supplement.

The aim of the work is to study the effect of the herbal remedy Pancreo-Plant on the histological structure of the liver of rats, under conditions of subacute ethanol-tetrachloromethane intoxication.

Materials and methods. A model of poisoning was formed and liver samples from nonlinear white rats were examined. The slides were examined under the light microscope Granum, photographing of microscopic images was carried out with Granum DCM 310 digital video camera. The photographs were processed on a computer using the Toup View program.

Results. Micropreparations obtained from liver samples of rats under the condition of subacute ethanol-tetrachloromethane intoxication, were investigated. It has been proven that Pancreo-Plant helps to reduce necrotic manifestations, hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes, manifestations of steatosis, and signs of inflammation; it also stimulates carbohydrate metabolism in hepatocytes and improves regenerative manifestations.

Conclusions. It was found that the investigated agent based on medicinal plant materials, when using the model of subacute ethanol-tetrachloromethane intoxication, exhibits a significant hepatoprotective effect. It normalizes the histological structure of hepatocytes, restores the processes of glycogen accumulation, and prevents the development of fatty degeneration of the liver.

Author Biography

L. M. Trutaieva, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Continuing Education


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How to Cite

Trutaieva LM. Influence of Pancreo-Plant on the histological parameters of the liver in conditions of acute toxic hepatitis. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2021Oct.25 [cited 2025Mar.9];14(3):328-35. Available from:



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