Study of the antimicrobial and fungicidal activity of the essential oil Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen”




Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen” , antibacterial activity, essential oil, herb, resistance, fungicidal activity


The main problem of modern phytotherapy is the medicinal plants that have a sufficient raw material base and contain a large number of biologically active substances. Treatment of diseases with synthetic drugs leads to the development of resistance to pathogenic microflora and the appearance of allergic reactions. Therefore, to solve this problem, it is necessary to find new plant-based antimicrobials that are safe for long-term use and have a wide spectrum of action.

The aim of the work was to study the antibacterial and fungicidal activity of the essential oil of Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen”.

Materials and methods. The essential oil of Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen” was used for the experimental part. To test the antimicrobial and antifungal action of the essential oil, reference test strains, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida were selected. The studies were performed in vitro using the disco-diffusion method.

Results. Studies have shown that the essential oil of Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen” has a significant antibacterial effect against S. aureus ATCC 25923 (diameters of growth inhibition were 14.60 ± 1.52 mm) and fungicidal effect Candida albicans ATCC 885-6530 (29.30 ± 2.82 mm). Antibacterial activity of the essential oil was detected in relation to E. coli (19.60 ± 1.85 mm). It was experimentally proven that the essential oil had no bactericidal effect on the test strain of P. aeruginosa.

Conclusions. It was found that the essential oil of the studied hybrid species Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen” shows a significant antibacterial activity and is promising for further research.

Author Biographies

Ya. M. Steshenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

Postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

O. V. Mazulin, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

PhD, DSc, Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry


N. M. Polishchuk, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology



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How to Cite

Steshenko YM, Mazulin OV, Polishchuk NM. Study of the antimicrobial and fungicidal activity of the essential oil Thymus x citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. var. “Silver Queen”. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2021Jun.1 [cited 2025Feb.24];14(2):211-4. Available from:



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