Research of marketing and pharmacoeconomic aspects of the domestic market of preparations used for biorevitalization




biorevitalization, cosmeceuticals market, marketing research


The aim of the work is to study the Ukrainian market for biorevitalization products with the subsequent formation of an information array, which can be used to improve the system for supplying target consumers and for correct strategic marketing decision-making.

Materials and methods. Data obtained from 2020 edition of the State Register of 3rd Class Medical Devices (Injection Implants for Soft Tissues), as well as from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, the information retrieval system Compendium Online, the database “Regulatory and Directive Documents of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, publications in scientific and practical journals connected to the research topic, were used as the main material for the study. The following research methods were employed: content analysis, comparative, analytical, graphic, and marketing research methods.

Results. Biorevitalization affects the internal course of metabolic processes in the deep layers of the dermis, thereby accelerating the production of collagen and elastin at the expense of the body resources.

Based on the analysis of information sources about the means used in the biorevitalization procedure, two assortment groups were formed: medical devices and cosmetics. An intragroup analysis of the assortment and corporate structure of the studied market segments was carried out, and the availability of the procedure based on various drugs was studied.

Conclusions. The pharmacotherapeutic basis of biorevitalization was studied for all spectra of aesthetic problems, which are solved using this procedure under consideration.

The established list of preparations for biorevitalization made it possible to divide them into two assortment groups. The most numerous (101 preparations – 96.20 %) is cosmetics group, including one-component (35.25 %) and combined (60.95 %) preparations. The second group embraces medical devices; it consists of 4 preparations (3.80 %).

The analysis of brand structure of the studied market segment showed that the leading manufacturers here are Russian companies (21.9 % of the total amount of all preparations is imported from this country). Domestic manufacturers are represented by only one company, Yuria-Pharm, which produces, respectively, 1 drug in three different concentrations.

Based on the study of the average cost of the procedure in beauty salons of Zaporizhzhia and the coefficient of accessibility of the procedure based on the varieties of drugs for biorevitalization, it was found that the procedure using Juviderm Volift, RRS® HA SKIN RELAX WITH BoNtA 568® and JUVEDERM® VOLIFT RETOUCH is more affordable for consumers; the least availability is characteristic of the procedure with RRS® HYALIFT® 35.


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How to Cite

Tkachenko NO, Chervonenko NM, Demchenko VO, Lytvynenko OV. Research of marketing and pharmacoeconomic aspects of the domestic market of preparations used for biorevitalization. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2021Mar.18 [cited 2024Oct.24];14(1):120-6. Available from:



Original research