Study of the antimicrobial and fungicidal activity of thiotriazoline and decamethoxinum as a potentially new model mixture for use of the oral mucosa




oral mucosa, pathological processes, model mixture, thiotriazoline, decamethoxinum



Today, diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria are the most dangerous, as they can not only affect the quality of human life, but also lead to death.

According to the WHO, pathogenic bacteria namely, mycoses affect from 1/5 to 1/3 of the world's population, more than a third (37.8 %) of them cause yeast-like (Candida). Over the past 20 years, there has been a 15-fold increase in the frequency of infectious inflammatory diseases of candidiasis etiology.

After examining the range of drugs on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and abroad, it was found that the following drugs of foreign origin are currently used for the treatment of these diseases: Methyluracil (Lekhim, Ukraine), Solkoseril (Birsfelden, Switzerland), Mexidol (PHARMASOFT, Moscow, RF).

Based on the above it is seen that the range of drugs for the treatment of oral mucosa diseases is limited. All of the above shows the need for the creation of a new domestic drug exhibiting antimicrobial, fungicidal, reparative activity.

The aim of our work is to create a new drug based on the model mixture of Thiotriazoline and Decamethoxinum, which exhibit antimicrobial, fungicidal, repertoire activity.

Materials and methods. Thiotriazoline, decamethoxinum, model mixture. The studies were carried out by agar diffusion (well method) to study antimicrobial activity. Model mixtures with decamethoxinum were made from 0.5 to 5 mg; thiotriazoline – 200 mg. Antimicrobial activity of these model mixtures was carried out.

Results. The model mixture of thiotriazoline and decamethoxinum in antimicrobial and fungicidal action was significantly superior to decamethoxinum by 54 % in the degree of growth inhibition of S. aureus, by 120 % in the degree of growth inhibition of E. coli, by 57 % in the degree of growth inhibition of P. aeruginosa, and by 108 % in the degree of growth retardation of C. albicans at 106 CFU/ml of medium.

Conclusion. The model mixture of thiotriazoline and decamethoxinum exhibits high antimicrobial and fungicidal activity.


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How to Cite

Kucherenko LI, Bielenichev IF, Chonka OО, Moriak ZB, Portna OO. Study of the antimicrobial and fungicidal activity of thiotriazoline and decamethoxinum as a potentially new model mixture for use of the oral mucosa. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2020Nov.16 [cited 2025Mar.9];13(3). Available from:



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