Actoprotective activity research of 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-substituted-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetates


  • A. A. Safonov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • A. V. Nevmyvaka Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



actoprotective activity, 1, 2, 4-triazole, acids, salts, heterocyclic compounds



Severe fatigue can occur due to overwork, lack of exercise, depression, insomnia, etc. It should be understood that fatigue, weakness, both emotional and physical, is not a disease. Often, actoprotective substances are used to reduce fatigue. To search for new substances with a different spectrum of pharmacological activity, 1,2,4-triazole derivatives have proven themselves well.

The aim of work was to investigate actoprotective activity among previously synthesized 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-substituted-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetates.

Materials and methods. The compounds used to study pharmacological activity were synthesized at the Department of Natural Sciences for International Students and Toxicological Chemistry ZSMU. White nonlinear rats weighing 200–260 g of 7 animals per group were used to study the actoprotective activity of 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-substituted-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetates. As a method for the study of pharmacological activity was used the method of forced swimming with a load of 10 % by weight of the rat. Statistical results were calculated using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test.

Results. Compounds Ia, Ib, IIb, IIk, IIj had been found to have a moderate actoprotective effect. But none compound had exceeded the comparison drug. Some conclusions were drawn regarding the dependence of “structure – actoprotective effect”: the most active compound was 2-aminoethanol 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-ethyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetate (IIj); conversion to 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-substituted-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetate salts and selection as sodium, potassium, or 2-aminoethanol cations was resulted in to increase the actoprotective effect.

Conclusions. As a result, the actoprotective activity of 18 new 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-substituted-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetates was investigated. Some conclusions were drawn regarding the dependence of “structure – actoprotective effect”.


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How to Cite

Safonov AA, Nevmyvaka AV. Actoprotective activity research of 2-((5-(2-bromophenyl)-4-substituted-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-yl)thio)acetates. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2020Jul.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];13(2). Available from:



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