Analysis of contraceptive drugs market in the context of pharmaceutical safety


  • T. V. Mahanova Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • N. О. Tkachenko Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,



contraceptives, pharmacy, marketing, safety



The issues of development and making strategic and tactical managerial decisions are exacerbated in the drug supply system of the vital and pharmaceutical safety paradigm. Particularly those issues, which are related to the women's fertile health.

Objective. Research of contraceptive drugs (CD) market, formation array for rational decision making of contraception of women in childbearing age.

Materials and methods. As researching materials have been used the information retrieval system Compendium, the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, the database of Normative and Directive Documents of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Internet resource of searching for drugs in Ukrainian drug store Comparative, analytical, graphic methods, content analysis, and marketing research methods have been used.Results. A comprehensive marketing assessment of the Ukrainian CD market has been carried out. The main characteristics of CD assortment have been considered: completeness, depth, width. The market segmentation by dosage forms and manufacturers have been determined. The coefficients of the market monopolization level and assortment renewal have been established.Conclusions. Modern CD arsenal represented by 29.7 % of monocomponent and by 69.3 % of complex drugs. CD with the composition of drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol and emergency CD with levonorgestrel prevail, among the whole assortment.Analysis of segmentation by dosage forms has shown dominance of tableted CD, which constitute of 84.4 % of the total assortment. There aren`t almost transdermal, uterine and vaginal therapeutic systems. Subcutaneous implants and aerosol forms aren`t represented on the CD market at all. It has been established that 96.1 % of the market is formed by foreign manufacturers. Ukrainian manufacturing companies occupy only 3.9% of the market. The market monopolization index and assortment completeness index have been calculated.



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How to Cite

Mahanova TV, Tkachenko NО. Analysis of contraceptive drugs market in the context of pharmaceutical safety. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2020Mar.10 [cited 2025Mar.7];13(1). Available from:



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