Research on the motivation of pharmaceutical workers in pharmacies


  • T. P. Zarichna Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • T. S. Brytanova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • T. S. Raikova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • Ye. H. Knysh Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



motivation, pharmacy, pharmacist



The purpose of work was to study the motivating and demotivating factors of the activity of pharmaceutical staff and the conditions of increasing their work activity.

Materials and methods. The material for our research was statistically processed information that was obtained during the survey of pharmaceutical specialists of pharmacies that differ in the degree of market coverage (national-pharmaceutical organization 1 (PhO # 1), local-pharmaceutical organization 2, 3 (PhO # 2, # 3)) and types (ready pharmacy drugs - PhO №1, pharmacy with manufacturing of drugs – PhO # 2, # 3). In the course of the study, methods of analysis, synthesis, grouping, questioning and the method of F. Herzberg were used. Results. The factors of motivation, of activity, of pharmaceutical personnel were investigated as material stimulation, moral stimulation, measures of administrative influence, labor mood of the collective, desire to achieve respect in the collective, fear of losing work. As a result of comparing the estimates of motivation factors in pharmacies of both types, it was found that PhO # 1 the leading factor of motivation was the working mood of the team (Wij = 1), and in PhO # 2, # 3 were the material stimulation (Wij = 1). It was studied the factors of employee demotivation using the F. Herzberg method as direct management and control, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, wages and stability of work, internal organization policy towards the staff. The results' calculations were showed that the most significant demotivating factors for the employees of the PhO # 1 were the system of interpersonal relationships (Wij = 1) and direct control (Wij = 0.97). It has been studied the opinions of pharmaceutical workers on the creation of certain conditions in order to enhance their work. It was determined that the most significant conditions for increasing motivation in the PhO # 1, in terms of its employees, was to get high wages (Wij = 0.98), stability (Wij = 0.95), rational management requirements (Wij = 0.94), harmonious relationships in the team (Wij = 0.93), bonuses for quality of work (Wij = 0.93), career growth (Wij = 0.92) and comfortable working conditions (Wij = 0.92).

Conclusion. Comparative analysis of motivation factors in pharmacies showed that in pharmacies of the first type the leading factor of motivation was the working mood of the team, and of the second type pharmacies – material stimulation. Also important for employees of pharmacies of general type. The study of demotivating factors showed that in pharmacies of both types, unstable interpersonal relationships had a negative effect on motivation. The analysis of conditions of increase of motivation showed that in PhO # 1 it was important to receive high wages and its stability, and for PhO # 2, # 3 – harmonious relationships in the team, bonus system.



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How to Cite

Zarichna TP, Brytanova TS, Raikova TS, Knysh YH. Research on the motivation of pharmaceutical workers in pharmacies. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2020Mar.10 [cited 2025Feb.9];13(1). Available from:



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