Study of the anatomical structure of the herbal raw materials of Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka


  • I. F. Duyun Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • O. V. Mazulin Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • T. V. Oproshanska National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine,



microscopy, anatomical structure, characteristic diagnostic features, Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka



Herbal raw materials and herbal drugs derived from it constitute a complete material if they comply with current regulatory documents. This compliance is determined by pharmacognostic analysis. For this, it is necessary to establish the authenticity and high quality of medicinal plant materials. Authenticity is usually confirmed by macro- and microscopic analysis.Promising for implementation in medical practice is the poorly studied species Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka.

This species is phylogenetically close to the Achillea millefolium L. The plant has a large raw material base and a long growing season. To identify it, for the first time, studies were carried out on the features of the anatomical structure of the herbal raw material and diagnostic microscopic signs were revealed.

The purpose of the work was to study of the anatomical and microscopic structure of Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka herbal raw material.

Materials and methods. To study the microscopic structure. We used Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka species collected in the mass flowering phase. Fresh vegetable raw materials were fixed in a mixture of glycerin, ethanol 96 %, purified water (1: 1: 1).

Results. During microscopic studies, features of the anatomical structure of the epidermis of the leaf, main vein, petiole, stem, inflorescence axis, basket wrapper and corolla were revealed.

Conclusions. The characteristic diagnostic features were established for the raw materials of the yarrow of the hearth: a longitudinally wrinkled cuticle on the lower epidermis of the leaf; multicellular double-row hairs and essential oil glands on the upper and lower epidermis; simple, 4–6 cell hairs, in which the lower cells are compressed and the upper one is very long and creates a cobwebby fringe, on the lower epidermis of the leaf and on the epidermis of the petiole, vein, stems and main axis of the inflorescence; sclerenchyma cover from the side of phloem and xylem in conducting bundles of vein and petiole; lamellar-angular collenchyma in the stem and main axis of the inflorescence; longitudinally wrinkled cuticle on epidermal cells in the head axis of the inflorescence; endoderm and sclerenchyma cover over the phloem of the leading bundles.



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How to Cite

Duyun IF, Mazulin OV, Oproshanska TV. Study of the anatomical structure of the herbal raw materials of Achillea micranthoides Klok. et Krytzka. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2020Mar.10 [cited 2025Feb.11];13(1). Available from:



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