Informed consent in pediatric practice: problems of Ukrainian legislation and prospects for their solution


  • M. A. Anishchenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



informed consent, pediatric practice, provision of health information



The purpose of the work is to consider the legal regulation of informed consent in pediatric practice, identify the problems of legal regulation of the above social relations, and determine the prospects for their solution.

Materials and methods. The material of the study is the current regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents governing the institution of informed consent in pediatric practice. The work used system-analytical and structural-functional methods, the method of information retrieval and generalization.

Results. The institute of informed consent in pediatric practice consists of two sub-institutes - the legal regulation of the right to receive complete and objective information about the state of one’s health (about the state of health of one’s minor or minor child or ward) and the provision of consent for medical intervention in relation to herself (her minor or minor child or ward). The institute of informed consent has certain legal regulation problems, which include some inconsistencies of the above general concept of specific rules governing the process of providing informed consent to minors. In addition, one of the important problems of regulating the above institution is its archaic, inadequacy to the needs of society and the level of social and scientific-technical development.

Conclusions: In order to improve the legal regulation of informed consent, it is necessary to eliminate all identified inconsistencies in the legal regulation of this institution. It is also necessary to actively implement the achievements of modern digitalization in the process of obtaining or providing informed consent in pediatric practice.


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How to Cite

Anishchenko MA. Informed consent in pediatric practice: problems of Ukrainian legislation and prospects for their solution. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Nov.21 [cited 2025Mar.12];12(3). Available from:



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