Analysis of the use of cosmetics in the combination therapy of acne and rosacea in the outpatient treatment (the Zaporizhzhia region case)


  • O. Р. Kilieieva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • I. V. Bushuieva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



medicinal cosmetics, acne vulgaris, rosacea



The aim of work is the analysis of medicinal cosmetics that are prescribed to outpatients with skin diseases like rosacea (pink) and acne (acne vulgaris) of the Municipal Institution of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenerologic Clinical Dispensary” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council.

Materials and methods. The research materials were outpatient cards of patients of Municipal Institution of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenerologic Clinical Dispensary” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council. This research were used following research methods statistical, graphic and marketing.

Results. The analysis has been performed on the outpatient cards of patients with skin disease acne (vulgar) and rosacea (pink acne). A total number of the outpatient cards with the diagnose acne and rosacea were 36; it was analyzed based on the criteria of age, gender and type of medical form in complex therapy (observed 12 women and 10 men with acne (acne vulgaris) and 11 women and 3 men with rosacea). Market research data show that the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market for acne and rosacea is unsaturated. The development of the studied market can occur at the expense of both domestic and foreign MC.

An analysis has been performed on the basis of sex on the outpatient cards of patients of the Municipal Institution of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenerologic Clinical Dispensary” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council with the skin disease acne (vulgar) and rosacea. Ad interim, 33.33 % of women and 27.78 % of men were receiving combined treatment of acne and 30.56 % of women and 8.33 % of men were receiving combined treatment of rosacea. An analysis has been performed on the basis of age on the outpatient cards of patients of the Municipal Institution of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenerologic Clinical Dispensary” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council with the skin disease acne (vulgar) and rosacea. According to the results of the analysis, the percentage of acne treatment is the following: 4.55 % are the patients at the ages from 10 to 14, 59.09 % - aged from 15 to 25, and 18.18 % aged 26 to 40 and 18.18 % 41 to 60. As for rosacea, the percentage is the following: 42.86 % of sufferers are aged from 25 to 40, 28.57 % aged 41 to 60, and 28.57 % aged 61 to 80. An analysis has been performed on the basis of the type of pharmaceutical form for complex therapy of acne and rosacea by dermatologists of the Municipal Institution of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenerologic Clinical Dispensary” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council. Lotions and creams make up 11.2%, solution for external application and capsules – 9.1%, gels – 36.4%. The analysis has been performed on the basis of the medical cosmetic products meant to complex therapy of acne (vulgar) and rosacea (pink acne) recommended by dermatologists of the Municipal Institution of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenerologic Clinical Dispensary” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council. The analysis revealed that 33.33% of medical cosmetic products make up local production –“Avant” Ltd, Ukraine; “Pharmatur” Plc, Odesa, Ukraine, 13.33%   CIS countries (“Helsi gel” Ltd, RF), and 53.33% – foreign-made products.

Conclusions. Marketing study indicates that the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market of the medicinal cosmetics aimed to treat the acne and rosacea is unsaturated. The development of the studied market can be carried out by local and foreign-made medicinal cosmetics.


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How to Cite

Kilieieva OР, Bushuieva IV. Analysis of the use of cosmetics in the combination therapy of acne and rosacea in the outpatient treatment (the Zaporizhzhia region case). Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Nov.21 [cited 2024Oct.24];(3). Available from:



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