Market analysis of dietary supplements that affect the respiratory function


  • A. S. Hotsulia Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Mikolasiuk LLC «MEDHOUSE SWISS GMBH»,
  • T. S. Brytanova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • Ye. H. Knysh Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



dietary supplements, analysis food



The purpose of work is the analysis of the range of dietary supplements of the modern pharmaceutical market of Ukraine on the basis of medicinal plant raw materials that affect the respiratory system.

Materials and methods. The materials of the study included: regulatory documents, sources of scientific literature, online pharmacies sites, price lists of weekly publication the “Apteka” (“Pharmacy”), directory the “Compendium-2019”. The system-analytical, mathematical-statistical and comparative methods of analysis have been used in the work, the site of the Swiss Energy Pharma GmbH.

Results. The analysis of the range of dietary supplements that affect the respiratory system has been made. The relationship between OTC drugs and dietary supplements in the modern pharmaceutical market of Ukraine has been studied. It has been found that the proportion of dietary supplements in the study group is 42 %. The corporate and the range structures have been analysed. The results have been showed that the vast majority of the goods in this group come from India and Ukraine (28.12 % for each). Ukraine ranks first in the range – 34.65 %. The study of the dosage form indicated the heterogeneity of the products of this group. Thus, dietary supplements that affect the respiratory system are available in the form of 9 dosage forms, the vast majority of which are lollipops, which is 50 %. The study of the corporate structure made it possible to distinguish the leader among foreign pharmaceutical companies, the company was in the top three Swiss Energy Pharma GmbH. Thus, the development of new dietary supplements of this action and further introduction to the modern pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is topical.

Conclusion. Dietary supplements affecting the respiratory system are represented by a large number of pharmaceutical companies, the leaders are Ukraine and India, and Ukraine by assortment. The vast majority belongs to lollipops (50 %) among the dosage forms in the range of dietary supplements of the ENT group. In the corporate structure of the national market, foreign manufacturers occupy leading positions, namely Ansa herbs & foods Pvt. Ltd (17.8 %), Herbion Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. (15.1 %) and Swiss Energy Pharma GmbH (12.3  %).


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How to Cite

Hotsulia AS, Mikolasiuk OO, Brytanova TS, Knysh YH. Market analysis of dietary supplements that affect the respiratory function. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Nov.21 [cited 2025Jan.14];(3). Available from:



Original research