Research of domestic market medicinal agents based on Minoxidil and it’s derivatives that are used in treatments for Alopecia


  • Zhamali Karim Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • N. О. Tkachenko Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • V. V. Hladyshev Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • S. Ye. Ryzhkova Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,



alopecia, aminexil, minoxidil, marketing



The problem of development of the new domestic medicines for alopecia has been remained topical for some years. Marketing analysis of the mentioned segment always should be carried out at first. Today the pharmaceutical market is updating dynamically. This fact is causing the necessity of its investigation and formation of informational base concerning assortment dynamics, prices and accessibility of the pharmaceutical product at certain periods of its development.

The aim of this work is the formation of informational base of medicines and cosmetics for alopecia including minoxidil and its derivatives and substantiation based on marketing analysis of the feasibility of the creation new pharmaceutical product based on aminexil.

Materials and methods. The State Register of Medicines of Ukraine; the directory of medicines "Compendium online”; online resources for medicines search in Ukrainian pharmacies “GeoApteka” and “”; online resources of network pharmacies “Apteka nizkikh tsen” and “Med-service” were used as informational materials. The marketing method, methods of monitoring, logical generalization, grouping and graphical method were employed during the investigation.

Results. Complex marketing estimation of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market of the medicines with minoxidil derivatives for alopecia including heterogeneous structure: medicines and cosmetics, was carried out. 

Conclusion. On the basis on the marketing analysis of the pharmaceutical market the modern arsenal of the medicines for the trichologists and pharmacists was compounded in two areas: segment “Medicines” included 4 medications of D11AX group “Other dermatological drugs”; segment “Cosmetics” included 29 products (mostly cosmetics with minoxidil – 17 positions).

As to form of manufacturing, liquid forms prevail in pharmacies, and there are shampoos and balsams. All medicines by the criterion “Procedure of dispensing in pharmacies” are OTC-products. The deficiency of aminexil based combined medicines and a small number of proposals from domestic producers are characteristic by the market analysis.


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How to Cite

Karim Z, Tkachenko NО, Hladyshev VV, Ryzhkova SY. Research of domestic market medicinal agents based on Minoxidil and it’s derivatives that are used in treatments for Alopecia. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Nov.21 [cited 2024Oct.24];(3). Available from:



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