Study of influence of base-vehicle on biological activity of vasopressin in the transbuccal dosage forms


  • Al Nasir Eiad SE “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine”, Dnipro,
  • О. L. Drozdov SE “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine”, Dnipro,
  • H. P. Lysianska Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • О. B. Kharaponova SE “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine”, Dnipro,



vasopressin, buccal films, base-vehicle, nootropic activity, administration buccal



Understanding of nootropics' lack of strong selectivity is a feature of their study at the modern stage. Speaking about peptides such as vasopressin, influence on the related behavioral forms including linked with a mental and emotional area is also presented in this range. At the same time, the systemic administration of peptides was additionally complicated by the high rate of biodegradation and low bioavailability. In this regard, using the alternative transbuccal route of administration is more perspective for the vasopressin derivatives.

The aim of this work is study of influence of base-vehicle in the buccal films with vasopressin on its nootropic activity.

Materials and methods. Hydrophilic bases with a high rate of biodegradation in the oral cavity were studied as devices for vasopressin buccal form. Synthetic decapeptide analog of vasopressin – diglycine-dezglycinamid-arginine-vasopressin – was used as an active substance. Technology of two-layer films was used for the improvement of the dose uniformity and prolongation of effect, taking into account the insignificant amount of vasopressin in the dosage form.

Further research to scientific substantiation of the base-vehicle for transbuccal dosage form with vasopressin was carried out according to the plan of single-factor analysis of variance with repeated observations. Specific activity in the form of a latency period of the conditioned response of passive avoidance was established for all selected compositions in nonamnestic white rats after the administration of buccal films.

Results. According to obtained data, a sort of investigated matrix bases makes a significant influence on the latency period of the conditioned response of passive avoidance in nonamnestic white rats after the administration of buccal films with vasopressin. Allowed to build the next Preferred range of films’ vehicles influence on the parameter of optimization was built using the Dunkan’s multiple rank test.

Conclusions. It was established that the sort of base-vehicle makes a significant influence on the biological activity of vasopressin in the transbuccal dosage forms. Variance analysis of results has shown that buccal films with vasopressin on the gelatin and sodium carboxymethylcellulose bases provide the optimal nootropic effect.



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How to Cite

Eiad AN, Drozdov ОL, Lysianska HP, Kharaponova ОB. Study of influence of base-vehicle on biological activity of vasopressin in the transbuccal dosage forms. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Nov.21 [cited 2025Mar.7];12(3). Available from:



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