Screening of accumulation of biologically active substances of Iris hungarica during vegetation period


  • A. V. Krechun National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Mykhailenko National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • S. V. Kovalov National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • T. H. Orlova Botanical Garden V. N. Karazin, Kharkiv, Ukraine,



iris, biologically active substances, medical plants, biostatistics



Establishing of accumulation dynamics of various groups of biologically active substances (BAS) in plants has great importance for obtaining high-quality raw materials.

The aim of the work: to establish the quantitative content of biologically active substances groups in Iris hungarica raw materials during the growing season, harvested in different regions of Ukraine.

Materials and methods: a preliminary analysis was performed using paper chromatography. The quantitative content of the main groups of biologically active substances (hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoids, isoflavones, xanthones) was determined by spectrophotometry.

Results: the quantitative content of hydroxycinnamic acids (2.66–7.44 %), flavonoids (2.12–3.04 %), isoflavonoids (1.03–1.79 %), xanthones (1.24–1.72 %) was established in the studied samples. The accumulation of biologically active substances occurs more intensively during the spring growing season of Iris hungarica, only isoflavonoids accumulate more actively in the autumn, which is associated with the peculiarities of the synthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites of this plant. It was noted, that in the elevated part of the Iris hungarica, the accumulation of such BAS groups as hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoids and xanthones occurs more intensively. The highest content of isoflavones is observed in underground organs in comparison with the sprout.

Conclusions: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of leaves and rhizomes of Iris hungarica, harvested in different vegetation periods in several regions of Ukraine, has been carried out. According to the results of the analysis, it is possible to conclude, that harvesting of Iris hungarica leaves is more rational in the spring vegetation period, and the rhizome - as a source of isoflavones - in the autumn, since the content of biologically active substances in the raw material is currently higher.




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How to Cite

Krechun AV, Mykhailenko OO, Kovalov SV, Orlova TH. Screening of accumulation of biologically active substances of Iris hungarica during vegetation period. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2019Jun.24 [cited 2025Mar.9];12(2). Available from:



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