Positioning of nootropics in the national market


  • Al Nukari Abdulkarim SE “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy”, Dnipro, Ukraine,
  • I. V. Bushuieva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • S. А. Hladysheva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,




nootropics, marketing research, common market


Peptides of vasopressin stimulating the processes of study and memory are situated between the most perspective nootropics.

The aim of work is forming an informational file about medicines with nootropic action and determination of the actuality and advisability of new drugs development, basing on the marketing research of nootropics domestic market.

Materials and methods. Internet-base of State register of drugs, Compendium and State logbook of medicines.

Results. Analysis of modern state of nootropics showed that assortment of medicines belonging to this group and having influence on memory improvement is very limited. Home-made drugs with nootropic action containing peptides of vasopressin aren’t registered.

Conclusions. Research of modern domestic market of nootropics allowed to establish that on the modern stage at this segment inUkraine 24 active substances from the list of international nonproprietary names of World Health Organization are registered and presented by 107 commercial names. At the same time in quantitative expression home-made medicines are prevailed but the main profit is provided by the imported nootropics. It is established that oral dosage forms (pills and capsules) are the main nootropics used in domestic practical medicine. Applicative dosage forms with nootropic active pharmaceutical ingredients inUkraine are absent. Cerebrolysin, piracetam, phenotropil are the leaders of price rating of nootropics sale. Considering the low level of bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients at oral route of administration the research for creating of original pharmacotherapeutic medications for alternative transmucosal application of appropriate dosage forms (nasal ointments) on the base of peptides of vasopressin will allow to create nootropic drugs providing with high efficacy and maximal minimization of side effects and adequate by the indexes of paying capacity.




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How to Cite

Abdulkarim AN, Bushuieva IV, Hladysheva SА. Positioning of nootropics in the national market. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2018Oct.24 [cited 2025Mar.9];11(3). Available from: http://pharmed.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/145256



Original research