Study of Ukrainian price market of medicines for scalp seborrheic dermatitis treatment


  • V. А. Solodovnyk Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • N. О. Tkachenko Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • S. А. Gladysheva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



pharmaceutical preparations, marketing, dermatologic agents, pharmaceutical fees


Considering mostly long time use of medicines by the patients with scalp seborrheic dermatitis (SSD) the social-economical availability of medications with antiseborrheic activity becomes important and the price of medicine appear as a certain measure.

The aim of this work is the study of price characteristics of medicines for SSD treatment on the domestic pharmaceutical wholesale market and also the analysis of their availability for the Ukrainian South region consumers.

Materials and methods. In this work the logical, statistical, monitoring methods were used. Price-lists of famous wholesale firms at Ukrainian pharmaceutical market and also retail prices of medications with antiseborrheic action were analyzed.

Results. The analysis of pharmaceutical price market of antiseborrheic medications, which are of the greatest use among population, was carried out. Calculated liquidity ratio for the most antiseborrheic medications has value about 0.5. Indexes of adequate paying capacity factor indicate availability of such home-made remedies as Ketokonazol Fytopharm (0.31), Ketodin 90.96), Ketozoral-Darnitsa (1.00), Dermazol 91.16) and dermazol Plus (1.17). Sulsena paste 1 % (0.17), Sulsena forte paste 2 % (0.19), shampoo “Zelenaya apteka” (0.40), Sulsena shampoo (0.88) are the most available medications for South region in “medical cosmetics” segment. The tar shampoo “911” – (RF) – 0.50, tar shampoo– (RF) – 0.51 and tar shampoo “Aptechka Agafyi” – (RF) – 0.92 are the most available from imported shampoos.

Conclusion. On basis of carried out calculations it was determined that the high price competition is typical for all medications of described segment of medications with the exception of Kenazol, Ketokonazol-Fitopharm, Nizoral, Ebersept, Keto Plus, Skin-Cap. Calculated adequate paying capacity factors and factors of availability show the low availability of many antiseborrheic medications for consumers and this fact determines necessity of creating new domestic remedies with antiseborrheic action on the purpose of increasing level of providing the population with effective and available remedies.






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How to Cite

Solodovnyk VА, Tkachenko NО, Gladysheva SА. Study of Ukrainian price market of medicines for scalp seborrheic dermatitis treatment. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2018Oct.24 [cited 2025Mar.9];11(3). Available from:



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