The study of structural-mechanical characteristics of the ointment with aminexil


  • Zhamaly Karym Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • V. V. Hladyshev Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • A. P. Lysianska Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



aminexil, argan oil, ointment for external use, alopecia, thixotropy, “mechanical stability”


The estimation of rheological characteristics is an important and essential fragment of investigations for creating semisolid dosage forms for dermatologic practice.

The aim of work is the study of rheologic characteristics of developed ointment formulations with aminexil and argan oil to reveal the optimal composition of combined semisolid dosage form on the base of consistence estimation results.

Materials and methods. As the objects for investigation the ointments on the base of sodium carboxymethylcallulose glycerogel and polyethylenoxyde, which provide optimal releasing of aminexil from these hydrophilic devices, were used. Study of structural-mechanical characteristics of composition was carried out using the rotational viscosimeter “Rheotest 2” with cylinder device.

Results. Establishment of effective viscosity dependence from the shear speed for ointment compositions with aminexil and argan oil showed that the tangential shear stress in dosage forms increases with deformation speed rising, and viscosity of compositions decreases with shear speed rising. Such dependence is an evidence of structure in studying systems.

Obtained results allow to estimate the ointment composition with aminexil and argan oil on the base of sodium carboxymethylcallulose glycerogel as more perspective for the further study.

Conclusions. It was revealed that consistent characteristics of the ointment composition on the base of sodium carboxymethylcallulose are situated within the limits of rheologic optimum of consistency for ointments, and “mechanical stability” value (1.53) characterizes the system as exceptionally thixotropic with providing the system recoverability after loading and allows to predict the stability of rheologic characteristics during long term of storage. The rheogram of ointment with aminexil and argan oil on the polyethylenoxyde base practically out of the rheologic optimum limits for ointments and in addition with instability to intensive mechanical stress indicates an inexpediency of further study of this composition of semisolid dosage form for external use.



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How to Cite

Karym Z, Hladyshev VV, Lysianska AP. The study of structural-mechanical characteristics of the ointment with aminexil. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2018Oct.24 [cited 2025Feb.9];(3). Available from:



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