Legal consciousness and legal culture in the context of legal education of future pharmacists


  • І. M. Alieksieieva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



legal consciousness, legal culture, legal education, pharmacist


One of the distinguishing features of man as a biological individual who is able to comprehend meaningfully the reality surrounding him and manage his actions is consciousness. Depending on the scientific-theoretical approaches or applied needs, it is customary to apply a certain differentiation of definitions of the concept of consciousness, for example, everyday or political, individual or mass, the consciousness of school or student youth, and other. One of its varieties, perhaps the most important at the present stage of development of society and statehood, is the legal consciousness of man. The problem of the formation and functioning of the human sense of justice is one of the most popular and constantly developed in a number of scientific fields.

The purpose of the work is to study the state of scientific knowledge of the legal consciousness and legal culture of student, future pharmacists in the context of legal education in the university.

Materials and methods. According to a specific goal, the research was based on the analysis of international and national legislation, the database of scientific research developments of the National Library of Ukraine V.I. Vernadsky, the study of author's scientific works and professional publications on the formation of consciousness, legal consciousness and legal culture of youth, in particular, student.

Methods of research - bibliographic, linguistic, comparative analysis, content-legal analysis.

Results. The basic link of society is a person, as a biological individual, to which such mental entities as mind, consciousness and will are inherent. These qualities enable it to critically perceive the surrounding being, to realize and determine its place in the society, to program its perspective and direct its actions according to a specific goal. A specific form of consciousness is legal consciousness (legal awareness) - the system of reflecting the legal reality in views, theories, concepts, feelings, people's ideas about law, its place and role in ensuring the freedom of the individual and other universal values. The level of assimilation by members of society of legal values (legal norms and principles, skills of lawful behavior, respect for law, etc.), the degree of mastering them and their practical implementation is a legal culture. It is an integral part of the general culture of both the society as a whole and its member, demonstrating the level of rightness and legal activity of society.

Conclusions. During the research it was proved that the formation and improvement of the legal consciousness and legal culture is required by student youth, as the main bearer of the intellectual and physical potential of the nation. The issues of formation of legal consciousness and legal culture of students acquires special significance; these categories of youth should be formed not only by professionals of high qualification, but also by highly moral, highly cultured and law-conscious citizens - the real elite of a civilized, democratic society declared by the Constitution of Ukraine.



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How to Cite

Alieksieieva ІM. Legal consciousness and legal culture in the context of legal education of future pharmacists. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Nov.1 [cited 2025Mar.4];(3). Available from:



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