The peculiarities' study of higher education applicants' employment in pharmaceutical specialties of full-time training


  • A. A. Kotvitska National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • D. Yu. Tarasenko National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine,



delivery of health care, pharmacy education, pharmacists, employment


Employment of applicants of pharmaceutical higher education has both positive and negative impact on the quality of educational services provided by institutions, especially in terms of knowledge and skills acquired by student.

Objective is to study peculiarities of higher education employment, full-time training, and features driving them to conclude labor agreements.

Materials and methods. During the study, we used juridical and comparative legal methods of analysis.

Results. The study has defined the following features of the employment of applicants of higher education in the health care institutions, pharmaceutical enterprises and organizations. The current legislation provides the applicants of higher education enrolled in HEIs for full-time training with a right to make a free choice of the field of study, profession, type of occupation and work. The relationship developed between an applicant and higher education institutions are not to be regarded as an employment relationship. The working under the items of labor agreement for person who combine it with the full-time education is not a part or combination or sharing, and is considered the main place of job. Thus, it stipulates maintenance of records book of the employed worker according to the general procedure. An applicant of higher education has discretion to choose working hours (full- or part-time working day, full- or part-time working week) with taking into consideration the HEIs schedule and only in the free time. When full-time operating in frameworks of collective agreement at enterprise, institution, or organization, having accounted peculiarities of operation, non-standardized working day for some positions can be set. The current legislation stipulates possibility of employment for persons without higher pharmaceutical education to the health care institutions on the clearly defined positions.

Conclusions.The country authority has created and is providing favorable conditions for the higher education applicants, practical experience obtaining by providing a possibility of free choice of field of study, profession, place of employment in accordance with the abilities and demands.



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How to Cite

Kotvitska AA, Tarasenko DY. The peculiarities’ study of higher education applicants’ employment in pharmaceutical specialties of full-time training. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Jun.21 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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