European qualifications framework as support structure of national education systems integration


  • I. M. Alyeksyeyeva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine.,



Education, Pharmacy, Continuous Pharmaceutical Education


The Council of Europe and UNESCO adopted the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications for Higher Education in the European Region (1997) [1]. By this document, Europe has declared a joint project for the integration of the national higher education systems of the continent. The development of a normative mechanism for its implementation required considerable time and a number of practical steps on the part of the EU member states.

The purpose of the work is a scientific and analytical study of official documents that determine the mechanism for implementing the Convention, the generalization of its principals and reference points, as well as the state of conformity of the national system of qualifications of higher education with the European basic provisions.

Materials and methods. The study was based on the analysis of the bank of normative legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "Legislation of Ukraine" and international and national acts on the systematization of qualifications. The subject of the study are the principal provisions and supporting elements of the European Framework of Qualifications, the state and level of compliance of the national system of qualifications of higher education with the European qualifications frameworks.

Methods of research are bibliographic, linguistic, contextual, substantive and comparative legal one.

Results. The Council of Europe and UNESCO adopted the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications for Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon, 1997). The goal of this project is to improve the organization of education and training, to facilitate the access of citizens of the Bologna Member States to the educational resources of the united Europe, to provide the possibility of continuing education, mutual recognition of national qualifications, as well as mobility of students, teachers, specialists within the European educational space and Labor market.

Conclusions. The study proved that the European Framework of Educational Qualifications is an international instrument for integrating national education systems and the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine, in general, corresponds to the principled position and reference points of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. For full compliance, it is necessary to envisage the ratio of national qualification levels to the corresponding levels of the EQF LL and FQ EHEA in the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Alyeksyeyeva IM. European qualifications framework as support structure of national education systems integration. Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice [Internet]. 2017Jun.21 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



Original research